dinsdag 7 september 2010

Day 07,
Posted by Picasa

7 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm really liking your theme. Full of lots of fresh greenery.

  2. Nice focus and depth of field. The green from the moss is just delicious.

  3. Great angles, along with the colors and DoF. Excellent shot.

  4. The detail on the moss is exquisite. Very well captured. I find the background a bit distracting though, with the various lines and bright yellow spot. Maybe a different angle, or selectively muting the colors in the background would let the moss pop even more.

  5. Looks great at large size. I always love moss shots, your composition and focus is spot on

  6. I do like the differential focus and don't mind that so much in the background is out of focus, but I do find the very bright spot a bit distracting. The deep colour of the foreground is just lovely!
